Give checkmate! — Cooperating Teams of Chessmen

In these puzzles you are supposed to give mate in a specified number of moves. The sets are grouped according to the team of cooperating chessmen.

1. King and Rook
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your king and rook!

2. Two Rooks
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two rooks! Sometimes the assistance of your king or pawns will be needed.

3. King and Queen
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your king and queen!

4. King and Bishop
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your bishop and king!

5. King and Knight
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your knight and king!

6. Bishop, King with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your knight, king and pawns!

7. Knight, King with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your knight, king and pawns!

8. Bishop and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your knight, king and pawns!

9. Knight and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your knight, king and pawns!

10. Rook, King with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your rook, king and pawns!

11. Queen, King with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen, king and pawns!

12. Two Rooks, King with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two rooks, king and pawns!

13. Rook and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your rook, king and others!

14. Queen and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen, king and others!

15. Two Rooks and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two rooks, king and others!

16. King with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your king and pawns!

17. Bishop Pair
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two bishops!

18. Two Knights
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two knights!

19. Bishop and Knight
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your bishop and knight!

20. Bishop Pair with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your bishop pair and pawns!

21. Two Knights with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two knight and pawns!

22. Bishop, Knight with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your bishop, knight and pawns!

23. Pawns and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your pawns and others!

24. Bishop Pair and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your bishop pair and others!

25. Two Knights and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two knights and others!

26. Bishop, Knight and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your bishop, knight and others!

27. Queen and Rook
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen and rook!

28. Two Queens
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two queens!

29. Queen, Rook with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen, rook and pawnsTwo Queens with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two queens and pawns!

31. Queen, Rook and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen, rook and others!

32. Two Queens and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your two queens and others!

33. Rook and Bishop
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your rook and bishop!

34. Rook, Bishop with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your rook, bishop and pawns!

35. Rook, Bishop and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your rook, bishop and others!

36. Rook and Knight
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your rook and knight!

37. Rook, Knight with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your rook, knight and pawns!

38. Rook, Knight and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your rook, knight and others!

39. Queen and Bishop
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen and bishop!

40. Queen, Bishop with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen, bishop and pawns!

41. Queen, Bishop and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen, bishop and others!

42. Queen and Knight
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen and knight!

43. Queen, Knight with Pawns
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen, knight and pawns!

44. Queen, Knight and others
Checkmate the opponent’s king using your queen, knight and others!